So it's Sunday again and we are in the middle of our Holiday Routine (our 6 hours of free time for the week). Everyone is ironing, folding , cleaning their racks, and polishing their boots. I, on the other hand, am writing letters and taking time to relax.
I'm still homesick but every day gets a little better. I've been here for 31 days now and I've only got 26 days left til graduation. I have a feeling the next 26 days are going to fly by. We still have to go to the firing range to learn weapons, the seamanship building to practice basic seamanship, learn firefighting, go to the gas chamber, and do our final battlestations test. On top of all that, we have inspections, drill tests and two more tests.
Yesterday we spent about 2 hours marching around in circles practicing for graduation. It's amazing that some people still don't get it. My division has a lot of smart people, but we have just as many, if not more, stupid people. There are about 4 or 5 people in my division that have Bachelors degrees, and about 6 or 7 who are over the age of 26.
On Friday, my division will become the senior division in our ship (they call the barracks"ships"-each ship holds about 12 divisions, and each division has around 80 people. My guess is there is about 12 ships.) That makes us all excited. You can tell all the new recruits that just moved in because their hair is still shaved off. The best way to tell how long someone has been here is by how long their hair is.
Anyway, I think I'm going to take my Hollywood shower. That's what we call showers on Sundays because we can take our time and not be rushed. Every other day we get about 40 minutes to get 80 guys showered and the bathroom cleaned. When there are only 12 shower heads, that means SHORT SHOWERS. R:)
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