Friday, September 30, 2011

September 14, 2011

So today has been the best day of boot camp thus far! It started with an early breakfast followed at 0730 by getting two of my wisdom teeth pulled out. Yes, that's right-I actually enjoyed getting them out. Well not the process of getting them out but the couple days that follow. Everyone who gets their wisdom teeth pulled out gets "sick in quarters", aka-bedrest for two days. That means that all day today and tomorrow I'm able to lay in bed an study and sleep. I finally am going to be able to catch up on my sleep. There were a total of 10 people in my division that got our teeth out today. Last Tuesday, another 12 people got their teeth out. I'm a happy bootcamper. But I know that won't last for long.
Time seems to move a little faster. This week has gone by pretty fast. I can't believe tomorrow is Friday already. Yesterday we had an inspection, and I got a 5 out of 5. It was an inspection on how we dress in our Navy working uniform and how well we make our bed. Tomorrow there is another inspection but since I'm SIQ I get an automatic pass. Tomorrow is also our 1st test, but again, since I'm SIQ, I get to take it on Monday. That gives me all weekend to study and get the test questions from my fellow shipmates.
I'm still really homesick, but I've received letters from home and from a couple friends which really helps. Everyone loves getting letters here, including me, so PLEASE send me letters. My address is:
SHIP 12, DIV 354
GREAT LAKES, IL 60088-3515

I've decided that this has probably been the worst experience of my life but I know I'm learning alot and that I'm changing for the better because of it. Nothing is easy here. Where else can I get paid to study, eat, get my teeth pulled and exercise? This is definitely an experience I'll take with me the rest of my life, but I'm more than ready to be done. Only 36 days til graduation ! Woo Hoo!!! R :)

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