I can't remember when I wrote my last blog entry, nor can I remember what I wrote about. So I'll just write what's been happening the last couple days.
My division moved into our permanent barracks a couple days ago and its the furthest barracks building away from everything! Needless to say, we march a lot. Being that I'm Starboard Watch, I've got orders to yell out while we are marching. I'm not much of a yeller, but I just do what I'm told. The days are all running together and I never know what day it is. You think that would mean time was going by fast, but no-it goes by so slow!
Today we had our swimming qualifications. In order to graduate boot camp, everyone needs to qualify as a 3rd class swimmer. Today there were two divisions doing the qualification-so there was about 175 people there. I thought it was easy. All we had to do was jump off a high platform, do 50 meters of swimming, do the dead man's float for 5 minutes and put on a pair of coveralls and fill it with air and float. Of course I passed, but there were about 30-40 people who failed and need to go back for swimming lessons. Then they asked if anyone who wants to try for 2nd class swimmer to stand up, so I thought, what the heck, and I stood up. (The 2nd class swim is a little more difficult. People who want to be divers, seals and other special ops have to pass this.) There was about 30 people who wanted to try, but they weeded it down to about a dozen-with me being one of them. Turns out only three passed, and yours truly was one of them. It made me feel good.
I still hate this place and can't wait to graduate. Everyone feels the same way. We are all counting down the days. I've been here a little over 2 weeks and six weeks from tomorrow (09SEP11), I will graduate.
Alright, I'm going to bed cause I gotta get up at 4 am. Ick! R :)
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