Wednesday, December 21, 2011


So Instead of writing a long boring blog entry... I figured I'd start back at the beginning and show some pictures. Now that I'm home in Sioux Falls for Christmas I have access to a 'real' computer (my Ipad for some reason doesnt allow me to attach pictures to my blog entries). I'll just say that I'm happy to be home with my dog... oh, and my family. But I'll post another entry before I go back to San Antonio updateing you with everything.


This is my division in at Bootcamp. Division 354!!!

This is at Firefighting class. Can you find me???

This is at Graduation. I'm third row from the left right behind the flag.

First time I saw my parents in a couple months. One of the happiest days of my life.

Some of my family that was able to make it to Graduation. My sister-in-law Ashley, sister Dede, Brother John, and Dad and Mom.

Me in my Dress Blues.

This is my new home in San Antonio. I share a room with one other guy.

Not much choice in what to wear. LOL

This is what I eat EVERY morning. It's actually pretty good. The only good meal they serve.

Me in EMT class.

Testing my blood pressure skills.

My parents and brother Joe came down for Thanksgiving. We visited the Alamo.

Me and my Mom after Thanksgiving brunch.

Me in my Dress Whites.

After my brother left, my parents and I had a couple days to relax.

Standing my 0200-0700 watch down on the Quarterdeck.

Well these are just a few of the many pictures I've got. Hope everyone has a Merry Christmas and a very Happy and Safe New Year!!!
