Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Today is the Day

Today is the Day!!!

After helping with some last minute things around the house, I went to the Recruiter's office this afternoon and started the shipping process. They went over some final paperwork, answered my questions, wished me luck, and sent me on my way. After leaving their office I stopped at the Holiday Inn (where I'll be staying tonight so that they know where I am at all times) and check into my room. Tomorrow I'll go to MEPS in the morning and in the afternoon board a plane headed for Chicago. After checking into my hotel room, I was able to leave and go back home to finish some things. I had to pack a box for my parents to send me once I get to A School in San Antonio. I also cleaned up all my stuff, got my things in order and went over all my bills and blog instructions with my sister Dede. Dede will be the one updating my blog while I'm at boot camp. We made it a low key evening. We ordered pizza and I tried to relax the best I can.

Saying goodbyes is always the hardest part! DARN YOU LEAKY EYES!!! I was able to visit with my wonderful grandmother today, go out to lunch with my brother Mike, and spend my last few hours as a civilian with my brother John and Sister Dede.... and of course my awesome parents! I've got my stuff all ready, and I just wanted to post a last minute blog update. The next one probably wont come for two to three weeks.

My poor doggie doesn't know what's coming. I haven't been away from him for more than a week since I got him 7 years ago. I think I'll miss him the most. So if you see him, give him a big hug and kiss for me and tell him daddy will be home soon :)

I want to say thank you to my best friend in the world Howie! You made my day with your top ten reasons you don't want me to leave. :)

I'll miss you all while I'm gone, but I'll be back soon enough. Talk to you all later.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

One Week Away

With only one week remaining until I leave for Navy Boot Camp, I've been looking back on how all this actually happened.

I've always been a water bug! I LOVE the water. Growing up my mom even said that I taught myself to swim after watching my older brother John in swimming lessons.

My interest in the military first came after seeing my brother Mike's Army picture hanging on the wall. I thought the uniform looked cool. My love for the Navy didn't come until I spent the summer between my Junior and Senior year of college with my brother Robert in Coronado, CA. I was a lifeguard in Sioux Falls the previous 2 summers but not sure what kind of summer job I'd get in CA. A few days after moving in with Robert, I met one of his neighbors, Masako. She just so happened to be the person in charge of aquatics at the MWR on the Navy base across the Coronado bridge. She interviewed me and gave me a job as a lifeguard. I loved going on base every day! Showing my ID at the guardhouse, listening to the national anthem play on the loud speakers every morning (and other Nation's anthems if they had a ship docked), seeing everyone in uniform, seeing the discipline, the camaraderie, and pride all drew me in. I was hooked!

My senior year of College I remember doing a few military inspired prints in my Printmaking class. Those were my favorites by far and I have them hanging in my room today. I wanted so bad to join the military but the war had just begun so I let fear dissuade me. I graduated and went along with normal life. I always had the military in the back of my mind. In fact, a few years ago I even went and talked to an Air Force recruiter in Minneapolis which is where I was living at the time, but nothing ever came of it.

Finally, after several major life changes, I ended up in Sioux Falls with no job, single, living with my parents, and bored out of my mind. One day when driving around looking for a job it hit me... go talk to the Navy! I found out where the recruiting station was and paid them a visit. I knew from the moment I stepped into their office it was meant to be. In about a month's time, I had all the paperwork filled out, gotten my physical, picked the exact job that I wanted, and got sworn in. My only disappointment was that I had to wait three months before leaving for boot camp. Turns out everything happens for a reason. In that three month time period I was able to help my parents with some projects around the house, spend time with my brothers and sisters, and be there when my dad got the call for his new heart!

As I prepare to leave, I feel confident that everything that needed to get done this summer got done. I'm looking forward to this new chapter in my life, and excited to see what's in store for me.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Videos of Boot Camp and FMTS

From the time I enlisted to the time I leave for Boot Camp I'm a part of the DEP (Delayed Entry Program). That has required me to check-in with my recruiter every Monday, and attend meetings every second Wednesday of the month. I always seem to remember to check in last minute. Anyway, another part of the DEP is to start studying for Boot Camp - memorizing the Sailors Creed, RTC Maxim, and the 11 General Orders of a Sentry. As I lie in bed tonight trying to get to sleep I remember that I need to have my 11 General Orders memorized by tomorrow night's meeting. UGH!!! Well at least I've got half of them memorized. I guess I'll be working on the other half tomorrow.

I've also been watching more videos on Boot Camp and I wanted to share a couple with you in case you were interested and had some time to waste. It will give you an idea of what I'll be doing for the next couple months. I hope it's as easy as the video portrays. Somehow I doubt it.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CdHt56NdERo&feature - Part 1

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iYREP-35Ylk&feature - Part 2

After 2 months in Boot Camp (which takes place about an hour north of Chicago) I'll head down to San Antonio, TX for about 3 months for my Hospital Corpsman training which will teach me all the medicine I need to know. After that I'll be going to either Camp Pendleton in California, or Camp Lejeune in North Carolina for FMTS (Field Medical Training School). I've included a link to a video on that too. This is what I'm most excited for. **Mom... Don't watch** lol.


Alright, I better sign off and start some memorizing.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Getting Closer

So I'm getting closer to my ship date. I think I may actually be getting a little nervous about the whole thing. Today I went and bought stamps to take with me for all my letter writing, and a calling card for "hopefully" all my phone calls. I'm guaranteed at least 3 phone calls: the call to say I've arrived, the midway call, and the "I'm officially a Sailor" call. My division may earn more phone calls if we score good on tests, inspections, and pt (physical training). Let's hope that I get put on a good division!

I've also been getting my other things in order. I've cleaned my room, started planning my goodbye party, and getting my parents a little educated on what they need to do for my graduation. I'm thinking that my graduation date will be October 21st, but I wont officially know until a week or so into actual boot camp. I've been watching a ton of videos on YouTube about PIR (pass in review - the Navy's term for boot camp graduation), and my Fleet Marine training. Watching those videos makes me so happy that I'm actually doing this. I think a part of me has always wanted to be in the military, but I never actually thought it would happen. The other videos that I always get sucked into watching are the surprise military homecomings. WOW!!! If you ever need a good cry just watch one of those! It's a good cry :)

This whole summer I've been going to bed after midnight and waking up around 9 or 10ish. Sometime around 11. So my next plan of attack for getting ready for boot camp is to start going to bed a little earlier and earlier in hopes that I'll wake up earlier. In boot camp you go to bed at 10 and wake up at 6. Now that doesn't sound that bad, but in between those hours there is ironing to do, and even standing watch. We'll see how I do with little sleep. I'm sure I'll be fine.

So I've been thinking a lot about exercising and eating healthier, but that's about it. I've gone on one run, and today was the first day I limited my food intake. It's really hard to resist my mother's excellent cooking!!!